Saturday, September 5, 2009

So excited I can't wait till Tuesday!

Tuesday is the day we take our "before" pictures, get measured and weighed and pick up our food! I have jam packed my weekend with activities to distract myself cause I'm so excited I've been having trouble sleeping!

For those of you who don't know me well, it has been a secret (or not so secret) dream of mine to be in an infomercial(I absolutely LOVE them and am fascinated by them and think they are hilarious!) Now, I always envisioned I would be the guy who was inept and could not possibly slice a tomato, make a smoothie, or mop a floor until I bought the product they were advertising....unfortunately that is not the case for this infomercial. but who cares?! I still get to be in one!!

Joanna, Rachel and I signed up to be in a group of 20 women ages 20-50 who want to lose 10-15 lbs in 5 weeks (and seriously, I've been trying to lose "those last 10 lbs for about 2 years now...). The deal is, we have to follow their eating plan, and workout for 1 hour each day with a trainer, all while still doing our regular exersize that we normally do. They are even providing our food for the first week! So this is basically 5 weeks with a personal trainer, which people pay good money for! All we have to do is sign our life away, and talk about our experience on camera!

Since i'm so crazy about infomercials, I plan on being completely crazy this month. I want to have a dramatic transformation so they'll have no choice but to use my testimonial!!

Tune in here for pictures, updates, stories, blood, sweat and tears and an inside look at the infomercial experience of a lifetime!


  1. i cannot wait to see. love, patricia

  2. these other contributors don't really seem to be pulling their weight...

  3. maybe the other contributor can't even pull their own weight, that's why they are doing this diet program!.....hehe, love ya guys and good luck!!!!!

  4. it's less of a fat joke, and more of a double entendre.
    hmmm...i guess that does make it a fat joke.

  5. HA! I love it. Best of luck for amazingness!
