Mindy gave me one of her workout videos to do at work, when I can't make it to the group session. Here I am, thinking SWEET! free workout video, I love those! I do videos at work all the time, I use my little 5lb weights, grab my yoga mat for the ab section, and break a light sweat on my upper lip...no shower needed! I previewed Mindy's video last night, just to get an idea of what kind of equipment I'd need and what kind of space (my quarters at work is no bigger than my dorm room in college...). I was tired just watching it!
I'm still pretty run down from being up all night on Friday and getting held over for 2 hours and 45 minutes! but I'm SO proud of myself for making it to the Saturday AM group workout. It was lots of running! and I was exhausted! but just 1 week ago, I totally would have used being up all night as an excuse to not work out, and laze around the house all day. I was definitely lazy on Saturday, but it was after 45 minutes of a Mindy workout! again I'm SO PROUD of myself!!!!
So today i'm back at work, and we had a rough morning, I didn't get to eat Breakfast until 11:30...and I woke up at 4:45....yeah, most of the time I LOVE my job, but these last 2 shifts have totally sucked. So old me would have just quit, and not worked out....but instead, I took a nap...a 4 hour nap :) (again with the loving my job!) and got up and did Mindy's video....HOLY CRAP, it was every bit as hard as it looked last night, and then some! I was sweating, out of breath, and praying to the EMS gods that I wouldn't get a call and have to put my uniform on!!!! But it was worth it! I feel great right now! SO SORE, but great!
I don't think i've ever dedicated myself to anything like this, I'm totally a quitter! but i've stuck to the diet (with some adjustments, i'm sorry but i'm just not eating Ramen noodles), and worked out every day even though i'm sore, and tired, and HUNGRY! but it's paying off! i've lost 5lbs and I feel great! I think this thing might just work!
Katie you're amazing!!! You deserve to be very proud of yourself!!! You've earned it!!! I'm so sorry to hear that your last two shifts have been hard. :( Hopefully they will get better from here on out!!