Thursday, September 10, 2009

First workout and I almost lost my very small lunch...

Okay, apparently I have let myself get REALLY out of shape!!! The first workout wasn't even the full hour because she was giving us all the info for our upcoming month and I still barely made it!! We got introduced to the program we are testing, it's called Zone Dancing and it includes the diet we are on, a dance based workout that utilizes a "Zone Sculptor" which is a resistance ring that hinges on one side and gives resistance when you pull the two sides of the ring apart. You can put the ring around your thighs so that when you are exercising you have resistance on your legs or you can pull on it with your arms while you are doing other exercises.

We mostly worked our legs by doing a lot of squats and pulling on the Sculptor!! I thought I could handle squats with all the ones I have done at 24Hour but last night we were doing them continuously!! Mindy is a great motivator and we would just move from one exercise to the next without breaks!! But she kept you laughing and smiling throughout the workout so it helped to push through!!! But by the end of the workout I was sure I was going to throw up!! I'm sure I had a horrible look on my face and was maybe a little green and I was right in Mindy's line of sight!! I was trying to continue with the exercises and I'm sure at that point I had horrible form!! I desperately didn't want to be the girl who threw up on the first day so I was doing my best to hold it together!! I have let myself get so out of shape!! So finally when the stretches came I couldn't even hold the positions!! I didn't want to be at any awkward angles!! Then she started to talk about how this workout was easy compared to what's ahead!! Hopefully I will be more in shape at that time and won't feel the need to lose the precious few calories I get for the day. ;) I made it through workout number one and I go back today!! I'm going to be in amazing shape by the end of this!!! I can't wait!


  1. Poor Rachel!! Mindy said it was ok to pee your pants, cause apparently after you've had kids, sometimes you just can't help it (wow, note to self, after childbirth, if I ever pee my pants, make kids suffer!) She didn't say anything about barfing though!!

  2. a) day three is when things start to get easier in any workout regimine.

    b) barfing on the first day is a badge of honor. it means you've pushed yourself waaaay beyond what your body wants to be doing.

  3. Thanks Deric!! I haven't had the need to throw up since so you were right! after a few days it does get better!! and I guess it does show I was doing something!! even if at the time I was just really embarrassed!!
