Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Weigh In

Oh my. It was everything I thought it would be (measurements, scales, pictures) and yet nothing I thought it would be (wine, camaraderie, cute photographer.) I arrived 10 minutes early, 'cause that's what I do, but sat in my car until 2 minutes early so as not to be rude and once again entered the home of Mindy and Bruce. There was a flurry of activity as Mindy and Co. were working frantically to pack up the $2000 dollars worth of groceries they bought us for our first week. I and my fellow 4 o'clock weigh ins were immediately offered a glass of wine which we of course gratefully accepted, lamenting that tonight would be our last glass(es) for a month.

After some wine, chatting, and of course giggling as more women arrived and more wine was poured it was my turn to be measured (waist, hips, thighs and arms) and weighed by Mindy. Mostly painless (thank you, vino.) Then came the pictures. Really, in retrospect, it wasn't that bad. I've certainly done more humiliating things in my life...and plenty of it has been captured on film. Still, stepping in front of a camera in unforgiving lighting in a sports bra and shorts is not an easy thing for me. Keeping in mind that this is a "before" picture which is supposed to showcase my flaws, it is nearly impossible for me not to suck in my gut, especially when awkwardly posing in front of an pretty adorable (in a 19 year old sort of way) photographer. Luckily for the infomercial world it's impossible to suck in love handles so it should still make an acceptably awful photo. All I can think though, is that the "after" shots better be worth it.

I left with a weeks worth of groceries and a meal plan that I think will be pretty easy for me to follow, now that a few people have told me how to bake chicken. I also left even more excited after spending some time with Mindy and my fellow guinea pigs. I am however really glad that all the before stuff is done so now I can focus on getting results (and free stuff.)

Since this is a weight loss challenge I must now, somewhat reluctantly, post my "before" stats:
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 161 lbs (thank you Labor Day Weekend gluttony)
Waist: 35.25"
Hips: 39"
Thigh: 24"
Arm: 12.5"

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, the After shots better be awesome...cause I just posted a before picture!! Props for posting your stats!! It was hard for me too!! I hope my "It will keep me honest" theory really works!!
