Saturday, September 12, 2009

One snack at a time

As I sit here watching Deric eating lime tortilla chips and salsa I realize that today has been the hardest day so far. It is the first day that I've felt run down from the exercise (we had the toughest workout so far this morning) and the lack of food. Though I was by far my hungriest on Day 2 I still felt good. Definitely really hungry, but good. In fact the past three days I've had a ton of energy and the hunger, though really irritating, was just a reminder that I was challenging myself and succeeding. Today it's just a recipe for crankiness and snack envy. I would give anything for a gummi bear or a lime chip or some french bread with artichoke dip (drool.) Just hook the carbs to my veins. But I know if I start snacking now, I'll never stop and it's only day four. So I'll power through and just keep my mouth closed for fear that something other than a grape will fall into it. Tomorrow is another day.


  1. And no, Deric, the gummy is not being sodomized.

  2. I feel you!! That's how I feel today!! Motivation to eat good is low today and today I'm going to be at my parents house surrounded by yummy food. I'm going to try to hold it together.

    and that picture is perfect!!! I love it!!

  3. Every time I look at the picture of the gummy massacre, I salivate. Mmmmm....gummy massacre.
