Friday, September 11, 2009

Missed out

Today I had to work, so I missed the strip workout (kind of glad, but still would have been fun). Instead I did workout videos at work, while my partner slept! I didn't nap today, so tonight might kill me! but apparently I have suicide sprints to look forward to tomorrow at 9AM. I haven't done those since JV basketball!!!
Also I was satisfied for like more than an hour, from the delicious sandwich that was my lunch!! Oh man, it was good! 2 whole slices of bread!
So I did CPR 3 times today, after a core workout yesterday, and an ab video abs, back, thighs, and triceps are SO SORE. Thankfully I'm a stickler for the rules and insisted on switching out every 2 minutes...but still!! That is too much action for 1 day, I don't like sweating at work!

P.S. I just got back from a call at a "naturist" lodge, and I didn't see one naked person! hah! they all had clothes on!

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